8188 8935 :: 540 SIMS AVENUE, #03-05 SIMS AVENUE CENTRE, SINGAPORE 387603 it@singaporeitservices.com

Project: Wireless Network Setup with multiple Integrated Wireless Access Points

Project Client: Success Resources Pte Ltd, Singapore


Project Scope: To setup wireless network that provides single continuous wireless access to 50+ mobile users in the office

Project Execution:

For optimal placement of Wireless access points, we started with office layout map. We identified spots with high user concentration and decided on the placement of Wireless Access points. We also identify possible blind spots and weak signal spots and made sure the Wireless AP Signal areas intersect at appropriate places to eliminate or minimize blind spots.

As the users using laptops and they tend to move often inside the office for group meetings, we need to ensure that the signal does not drop. Users must be still connected to the same wireless network even though they change to a different wireless access point within the office. The wireless access points are integrated through same wireless network name, so for the user, it is a seamless transition from one access point to the other without loss of wireless network.

The wireless access points are enabled with intelligent load balancing. When one wireless access point is reaching its full capacity, the controller will automatically assign additional users to a nearby wireless access point, so the users always get high-speed wireless access.

Often wireless access is a source of a security breach as anyone outside can easily connect to office network without the need to come into the office. We made sure all unnecessary services were shut down. Provided a strong password for the wireless network. Created a separate wireless login for guest users. Created IT policy to change the wireless password in a recurring cycle. This ensures the wireless remains secure and prevents hacking into office network.



Project Delivery: 

Prior to this projects, users were often frustrated with dropping of wireless signals and slow wireless access. Especially when they have an in-office meeting with the customer, their laptop will not have network access, making them impossible to show demo to the customer. This affected company image and reliability in front of customers.

The project was a success with users enjoying strong and secure wireless network. Users are now confident that they can go to customer meeting without about network drop. This increased overall productivity and teamwork in the office. It also reduced wireless network complaints from the users to IT team and enabled the IT team to focus on more important IT tasks.